when you have elderly guys, somethings tells me she just wouldn't have been "pretty" enough for the odd pervert they were trying to cater to. Also why did that advance it 15 years? just to cut out all the good characters, wheres Talim etc? and that could've been fine if it wernt for the tedious new charcters that arn't worth the pixels that form there name, the developers reasoning also not exactly favourable, they axed a female charcter 'cause she was too old to fight, what mid 30's. First things first, story, not a staple in fighting games yes but thats NO excuse, its absolutely disgraceful, an hour long (2 at best) and flicking between two boring uninspired characters in a drol story thats an absolute cake walk, oh and most of the cutscenes are done in sketches that make a reciept look like a work of art. I wish that i could keep my found memories but alas SCV is just a bit of a lazy effort that actually, isn't as good as its 8 year old counterpart. I am not a strong fighting game fan by any means but I went ahead and purchased SoulCalibur V in its limted edition box based on my fond I am not a strong fighting game fan by any means but I went ahead and purchased SoulCalibur V in its limted edition box based on my fond memories of SoulCalibur II and general interest of the fighting genre. If you love 3D fighting games, SoulCalibur V is a must! … Expand There is a leveling system that is not punishing to beginners and there are lots of modes where you can fight against AI that actually feels intelligent compared to other fighting games. The graphics are great and the music is really nice. The creation mode is an awesome feature as it allows players to customize an existing character or create a new one from scratch with a wide variety of costumes and items that can be used to make a really unique fighter you can use online. The story mode is not that great but I don't see this as an important aspect of a fighting game. The online mode is solid with very little noticeable lag and the training mode is very helpful for newcomers in the series. This is a fighting game that rewards patience and focuses on mind games instead of pure input skills. I cannot compare it to the previous iterations as I am not a veteran of the series but I can say that a lot of work and attention went into this title. I cannot compare it to the previous iterations as I am not a veteran of the series This is the king of 3D fighters as far as I'm concerned. This is the king of 3D fighters as far as I'm concerned.